Support Services

Child maltreatment can affect people differently for a number of reasons. Some people who experienced child maltreatment do not experience significant adverse health outcomes or behavioural outcomes. However, as shown by our ACMS, many Australians who experience child maltreatment, and especially some types of it, will experience these adverse health and behavioural outcomes. These outcomes can endure throughout life.

If you need support, options include contacting one of these support services, or speaking to your GP. If you need urgent support or are in danger, please call 000 for an ambulance or police.

National Crisis Services
beyondblue 1300 224 636
13 Yarn 13 97 76
Lifeline 13 11 14
Bravehearts 1800 272 831
Mental Health GROW 1800 558 268
SANE Mental Health Helpline 1800 187 263
Blue Knot Foundation 1300 657 380
Australia Kids helpline 1800 55 1800
Centrelink Families and Parent Line 13 61 50
Family Relationship Advice Line 1800 050 321
Nurse-on-call 1300 60 60 24
The Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre: 1800 888 236
1800RESPECT 1800 737 732
National Separation and Related Services
Centrelink (Family Assistance Office) 13 61 50
Centrelink (Employment Services) 13 28 50
Child Support Agency (child support) 13 12 72
Family Relationship Advice Line (advice and referral) 1800 050 321
MensLine Australia 1300 789 978
Canberra (ACT) crisis services
Domestic Violence Crisis Service 02 6280 0900
New South Wales crisis services
Domestic Violence Hotline 1800 656 463
Mental Health Line 1800 011 511
Parent Line 1300 1300 52
Australia Kids helpline 1800 551 800
Northern Territory crisis service  
Parent Line 1300 301 300
Mental Health Support 1800 682 288
Queensland crisis services
Dvconnect Woman’s Line 1800 811 811
Dvconnect Mens Line 1800 600 636
Immigrant Women’s Support Service – Domestic Violence 07 3846 3490
Immigrant Women’s Support Service – Sexual Assault 07 3846 5400
Parent Line 1300 301 300
South Australia crisis services
Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 800 098
Mental Health Crisis Intervention Service 13 14 65
Parent Helpline 1300 364 100
Tasmania crisis services
Parent Helpline 1300 808 178
Family Violence Counselling and Support 1800 608 122
Mental Health Services 1800 332 388
Victoria crisis services
Parent Line 13 22 89
SuicideLine 1300 651 251
No to Violence Men’s Referral Service 1300 766 491
Sexual Assault Crisis Line 1800 806 292
WorkSafe Victoria (workplace bullying) 1800 136 089

Our partners

The ACMS is proud to partner with the National Health and Medical Research Council, The Social Research Centre, and the Australian Government on this important project. For more information about our partners please click here.
