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Monica Madzoska
Monica Madzoska is a research assistant at Curtin University in Western Australia. Monica completed her Bachelor of Psychology (Hons) in 2022 from Curtin University. Her areas of research interests focus on mental health and wellbeing, specifically the wellbeing of children and the impact of adversities on their wellbeing throughout the life course. Her work additionally focuses on the mental health and wellbeing of emergency services workers, and the mental health impacts of climate change. Her undergraduate studies focused on the impacts of climate change on hopefulness and contributors to mitigating climate action. As part of her undergraduate degree, she undertook further study focusing on psychoactive substance use and sexology. She is a member of the research team for After the Fires – a study of the short-term and longer-term impacts of the 2019-20 Black Summer bushfires on emergency responders. Currently, Monica is undertaking postgraduate work, including analysing and coding of research data, and writing manuscripts for publication in academic journals. She collaborates with external stakeholders in relation to the publication and dissemination of research projects. Monica has previously worked as a volunteer emotional support callee at Samaritans (an anonymous
Our Team
Our partners
The ACMS is proud to partner with the National Health and Medical Research Council, The Social Research Centre, and the Australian Government on this important project. For more information about our partners please click here.